Product Optimization
Through Early Stage Customer Engagement
At VEXOS, our advanced engineering services focus on early involvement in the design cycle to provide customers with cost-effective, high-quality products that ensure increased manufacturability, quality, and reliability throughout their lifecycle. Our design reviews key target areas, offering feedback to prevent potential issues and ensure a successful new product introduction. Reviews include material (Design for Supply Chain), testing (Design for Testability), PCB fabrication (Design for Fabrication), assembly (Design for Assembly), and manufacturing (Design for Manufacturing).
Value Engineering Services
Providing Technology, Flexibility, Velocity, and Experience for Your New Product Introduction
VEXOS’ value engineering services optimize product manufacturability and quality. We assess each aspect of design and manufacturing, ensuring all cost, function, schedule, and overall requirements are met. Our team identifies cost reduction opportunities, examining every element contributing to product performance and value.
Benefits Of Performing DFX

Design for Fabrication (DFF):
- Focuses on PCB fabrication design and related cost drivers
Design for Assembly (DFA):
- Focuses on PCB fabrication design and related cost drivers
Other engineering services as appropriate:
- ECO upgrade, reliability testing, FAI, failure analysis, DOE
Design for Supply Chain (DFSC):
- Focuses on material sourcing, AML, compliancy, supply and lifecycle
- Component Engineering and AVL optimization
- BOM Analysis and component life cycle management
Design for Manufacturing (DFM):
- Focuses on manufacturing process and test and related cost drivers
- Pre- and Post-DFM Reviews, Post-Build Reports
Design for Test (DFT) and ROI:
- Focuses on test access, coverage, and related test plan and development.
ICT Development and Finite Element Analysis (FEA):
- Services test plan and development for PCBA testing
Functional Test Development and Design