As the significant effects of climate change are being noticed, now is the time for us to preserve and protect our planet. Our efforts in fostering sustainability and nurturing the environment to maintain ecological balance are key to combatting these significant effects.

“Trees for The Future”, a tree planting initiative by Vexos, Murata and GMA, in association with Tree Canada, took place on June 1st at Milne Dam Conservation Park, Markham, Ontario, where over 375 trees were planted.

Early in May 2022, Vexos announced their association with Tree Canada, which is the only national Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban environments, in every province across the country. They help to grow Canada’s tree canopy through their programs, research, and engagement efforts and by offering grants to communities and schools. They are thought-leaders and capacity-builders, collaborating with a network of industry experts, academics, and other non-profits to deepen community knowledge and help municipalities plan and sustain local canopy. Together with their partners and sponsors, they have planted more than 84 million trees.

Councillor Alan Ho, the Honourable guest for the day, represented the City of Markham. All  participants, enjoyed the day planting over 375 trees at the Milne Dam Conservation Park in Markham. The objective of the event was to leave a small but lasting legacy for the future and this is the first of many steps that we will take collectively to enhance the environment.

“We are more focused than ever on working towards ecological and environmental awareness. Today, we made our first steps towards fostering awareness about the environment and our ecology whilst building a new, purpose-driven and growing culture. Our partnership with Murata, GMA and Tree Canada reflects those values” says Cyril Fernandes, Senior Vice President, Global Business Development, Vexos.

“We at Murata Canada are very pleased to have been able to work with our customers and channel partners on making a small but significant contribution to the environment.

Thanks for everyone’s support and enthusiasm during the event” says Michael Heise, Area Sales Director, Murata Electronics Canada Inc.

“We are thankful to have the support of great partners, customers and associates in the electronics industry.  We all can have a significant impact on ensuring the future of our planet for upcoming generations. Today was a small step toward a greener future“ says James Shular, Partner, GMA Inc.

About Vexos

Operating in several locations across North America and Asia, Vexos is an electronics manufacturing and custom material solutions provider with a proven track record of delivering award-winning, leading-edge electronics manufacturing services and supply chain solutions to a diverse group of OEMs. For more information, visit Vexos website at

About Murata

Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and sale of ceramic-based passive electronic components & solutions, communication modules and power supply modules. Murata is committed to the development of advanced electronic materials and leading edge, multi-functional, high-density modules. The company has employees and manufacturing facilities throughout the world. For more information, visit Murata’s website at

About GMA

GMA is a dedicated technical representative committed to bringing together their manufacturers and customers by fostering mutually beneficial relationships. The company has offices across Canada and upstate New York are staffed with a full complement of inside and outside sales teams. For more information, visit GMA’s website at

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Kulveen Ahuja
Marketing and Communications Specialist
Phone: 416-409-0209